Our services are designed to assist any individual above the age of 18 who is encountering challenges related to Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and/or Mental Illness (MI).
We are here to support and empower those who seek to improve the overall quality of their lives.

RECOVERY Health Solutions is a sister company to Hennepin Home Health Care.
Recovery Health Solutions was founded by the owners as a way to expand their mission to provide community services within the community. Recovery Health Solutions focuses on the mental and substance use disorders by marketing Hennepin Home Health Care’s services. Hennepin Home Health Care holds the 245G and 245I license and provides the services.

Our mission is to provide support to individuals in their journey to recovery. Providing services in a nontraditional way, in the community and one-on-one, to help individuals find the path to recovery in mental health and substance use.
Our aim is to help our clients regain what they have lost, including familial and social relationships, employment opportunities, and personal dignity.